In case you missed it: STEEL SYMPHONY was reviewed (and enjoyed!) by the New York Times

Added on by Patrick Greene.

I wish I could say this was, you know, a regular occurrence for me, but seeing my name in the New York Times for the first time ever back in September was an immense - and, for me, unprecedented - thrill. When they mentioned me again in the paper, with a glowing review, I nearly crapped my pants.

Thanks to Christopher Houlihan for giving me some astonishing coat-tails to grab onto.

Steel Symphony has since been purchased by a number of other performers from around the United States. Hopefully this crazy little piece will continue to blow eardrums off all across the world for years to come.

If you'd like to purchase a bound copy of the score, by the way, you can do so on my store. It's $14, it's vermilion, and it's CRAZY.

But fun.
