Looks like the late spring is shaping up to be a busy time! Here's a look at what's coming down the pike.
- May 11: Three movements of Gift (including one never heard before) for five singers and chamber ensemble. Fifth Floor Collective: Season in Review
- May 17: Premiere of Still Life, 1985 for clarinet, viola, and cello. Hyman Bloom Project: Alpha Gallery Show #1
- May 24: Repeat performance of Still Life, 1985. Hyman Bloom Project: Alpha Gallery Show #2
- June 9: Presentation at Trinity College's Alumni Weekend 2012. Includes brief survey of 20th- and 21st-century art music, thoughts on composing and process, and live performances of selections from my Missa Brevis for Three Male Voices and How sweet I roam'd by The Elmsmen.
- June 16: Premiere of [i carry your heart with me(i carry it in] at a wedding ceremony in Connecticut.
- June 17: Recording session with the Boston Musica Viva, Marimba Magic, and Steve Aveson of The Tortoise and the Hare at WGBH studios.
Hope to see you at some of these!